Date: 28th and 29th Sept 2008
Venue: A Thai food stall in Cheras(28th) and Office(29th)
Occasion: Refer to title :-p
Yup Little Gary is grown up liao...big boy already hahaha...old enough to be a dad but not so soon la :-p
Went to this very nice Thai food hawker stall somewhere in Cheras the night before with family and Aunt Jessica with her 2 children (cousins la) for an early celebration for Gary. Reached the place round 6.30pm, sat down and ordered their famous iced cha-cha which was rich with its santan taste :-)
Venue: A Thai food stall in Cheras(28th) and Office(29th)
Occasion: Refer to title :-p
Yup Little Gary is grown up liao...big boy already hahaha...old enough to be a dad but not so soon la :-p
Went to this very nice Thai food hawker stall somewhere in Cheras the night before with family and Aunt Jessica with her 2 children (cousins la) for an early celebration for Gary. Reached the place round 6.30pm, sat down and ordered their famous iced cha-cha which was rich with its santan taste :-)
Then the main dishes came and caused a very dramatic scene soon after....hahaha well they were spicy (though some of them looked quite 'harmless' :-p) so Gary couldn't help it but to melt :-p
But still, he's sporting enough to give a thumb-up...though from the photo it's obvious that it was a reluctant gesture :-p Although he said he enjoyed the food, but he was truly suffering hahaha All the while, he was asking for more ice in his tea and also an air-cond...poor guy haha In short, he enjoyed his suffering...real weird guy Gary :-p
So as to celebrate his suffering (and also the fact of the increase of his age count by 1 hehe), we let him cool down for a while (notice the amount of ice in his cup of tea :-p) before singing him the birthday song :-)

Time to make a wish and he took quite a while to do that. Either he's so greedy that he made many wishes or that he's making the same wish over and over again :-p But he was in real deep concentration while doing it...hmmmm...Gary仔, what did you wish for eh?? hehe
So that's the celebration with family. Later in the night, received a couple of early SMS wishes (thanks to all :-) ) and at 12.01, was deeply touched and happy that a friend called to wish him and chatted for almost 2 hours!! Though the gift was a bit too simple :-p
Now let's move to Chapter 2: Celebration with Colleagues....
Started off with the lunch where Darwin said that they were going to Medan for lunch. It turned out that it was a surprise arrangement for a lunch at Sushi Zanmai at Sunway Pyramid!!! Big thanks from Gary to Darwin, Nicol, Jason, Eric, Boon How and Jimmy for the treat...could see he really enjoyed the lunch so much :-) Sorry, didn't take any photos simply because was too busy enjoying the food hehehe but you guys should see the amount of wasabe that Gary took!!!! He could eat them just like that!!! This guy never failed to amaze and freak me....sorry Gary hahaha :-p
So when he thought that the celebration was over for the day, little did he know that the other colleagues in the office led by Eliz and Deborah had another surprise installed for him. Deb and Jason were sent as actors (and man they were GOOD!!) to buy time to gather other colleagues into his office...they came in singing the birthday song with Eliz holding the cake with the lit candle on top of it....very sweet indeed :-)
So he blew the cake for the second time...hoping that his age won't increase by another count :-p

So what's the catch of this surprise celebration?? hehehe he was asked to pull the candle out from the side of the cake with his mouth without touching the cake....yes!! Darwin and Nicol were smart and 'cruel' enough to come up with that idea saying that "You don't do it, your wish won't come true!!" hahaha
Man...he's so happy throughout the day hahahaha all the way home....hmm maybe because the day started and ended chatting with the same friend :-)
Just to pass the message here.. Gary would like to thank all that had made his birthday this year a memorable one and in return he would like to wish them to be Well and Happy Always and most importantly, 家好月圆 with their family members :-)
Yam Seng!!!
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