Alrite....finally found some time to blog about my trip to Seoul. Went there to attend the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) World Congress which was held from 7th till 11th July and also to present my research findings there. Was lucky to be able to secure the Young Author Support Program which provided me with a US$1,000 grant (sungguh bangga betul :-p ) So let's cut the craps and time for some pics haha
6th July (leaving Malaysia)
Woke up at 5.30am to rush to KL Sentral to check in at 6.50am (flight at 8.50am) and took the KLIA Express to eerrrr....KLIA...duh! And was so happy a friend who woke up at 6+ just to SMS me and keeping me company till the time I boarded the plane.

7th July (Day 1)
Registered at the congress, went around looking at the demonstration booths with interesting robots and other stuff before heading to the General Assembly (was invited to represent Malaysia :-p ) for a good lunch (nice sushi and nice red wine) :-)
The glass pyramid outside the COEX which looks like The Louvre to me :-p
Registered at the congress, went around looking at the demonstration booths with interesting robots and other stuff before heading to the General Assembly (was invited to represent Malaysia :-p ) for a good lunch (nice sushi and nice red wine) :-)

After the General Assembly, adjourned to attend some seminar sessions before proceeding to attend the Friendship Night - Dinner Cruise on Han River, yeah....was invited to that too haha
Performance by Hwang Jin-Yi (tried googling but found no info :-p was expecting TVXQ haha)
Fruits in season....that's what the menu said. The one before this was Salads in season..I'm sure you can guess what they were :-p
Still sober
The boat
One of the bridges connecting the 2 sides of Han River...and each of them had different colours!!
Great dinner on the first night

8th July (Day 2)
Was not interested with any sessions so was away touring the city with Jen Nee and her husband. First stop was the "Jonker Street" of Seoul where they sell souvenirs and the likes.
Next, we visited one of the famous palaces in Korea. We visited only one simply because they all looked the same so much so that if you visit one, you'd have visited them all haha

That wraps up Day 2. Busy walking all day with all the shoppings and visitings that my leather shoes cracked at the base!!
9th July (Day 3)
Presenting my work today so couldn't go out least not until after my session :-p

Spent most of the time at the COEX Mall doing some shoppings and to buy a handbag for a friend.

No pic of dinner for today simply because I had McD :-p
10th July (Day 4)
Had Roti Boy...yup you read that right....for breakfast today :-)

Instructions in BM??? WOW!!!
Chicken cutlet rice
2-headed tortoise....I actually made a wish haha but what wish cannot tell la :-p
Saw the turtle and ran straight away to capture this photo...not many of them around
10th July (Day 4)
Had Roti Boy...yup you read that right....for breakfast today :-)

Was being good boy attending the sessions in the morning before heading out for lunch and went on to visit the COEX Aquarium at half the price :-) The rest of the time was spent at the mall again and managed to grab a pair of ear-rings and another bangle for sis. Really felt so weird getting all those looks from people these few days when they saw a guy shopping for female accessories. Maybe it's not their custom for guys to shop for female stuff....:-p

Walked back to hotel after shopping (just 5 mins walk) to get myself cleaned and sterilized for the Banquet Dinner later.

Pumpkin Porridge...quite nice to me actually
Next up...Australian beef with cheese and seasonal veges and this time....I'm...
.....eating the beef, hoping that Korea is outside the jurisdiction of my God :-p
The sin being committed....hahaha
Red wine with beef.....mamamia!! Double sins!! :-p
Orange mousse French gourmet style :-)

Edwin after 2 glasses of booze....hehehe "I feel certain lag while turning my head.." Typical Control Engineer even when feeling 'high' haha

11th July (Last day in Seoul)
Being my last day here....didn't do much....was shopping at COEX Mall again (where I got my Sennheiser MX 55) and getting ready to pack and return to KL. So was attending sessions for the rest of the time before going to the Farewell Party...
Lunch - Rice with sashimi salad....
Farewell Party...but they ran out of food and booze quite quickly but I still managed to get my hands on 1 red wine, 1 white wine, 1 beer and 1 orange juice...all on empty stomach :-p
Seafood salad at Outback Steakhouse with fellow researchers
Being my last day here....didn't do much....was shopping at COEX Mall again (where I got my Sennheiser MX 55) and getting ready to pack and return to KL. So was attending sessions for the rest of the time before going to the Farewell Party...

That wraps up the day practically. But since we needed to reach the airport at 6+, we actually stayed awake all night online surfing the internet and just took power naps :-p
On board the bus to Icheon Airport at 5+am and the sky was already so bright....was traveling along Han River :-)

Really enjoyed my trip to Seoul except hating the fact that South Koreans are a bunch of puffers who smoke like chimney everywhere they go. Other than that, I like the food here and also the fact that they are much better drivers than Malaysians (duh!)...truly a city life to me. And not to mention also the booze that I took in Seoul for 1 week was more than what I took in the previous 2 years :-p Won't hesitate to go back there one day for another visit :-)
Hope you enjoyed looking at the pics as much as I enjoyed the trip :-)
Cheers...from the monk who drank booze and ate beef in Seoul :-p
Hope you enjoyed looking at the pics as much as I enjoyed the trip :-)
Cheers...from the monk who drank booze and ate beef in Seoul :-p
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