Alrite, so you probably have an iPhone and besides syncing it with iTunes, there's nothing that you can do to moderate (add/remove) the files/folders in the phone....heck, you can't even use it as a USB thumbdrive and as a result, you are carrying a USB thumbdrive everywhere you go so that you have the files you are working on with you...and most likely, you are yearning for a larger capacity out of your thumbdrive as you are always running out of space......
But now, there's solution for that!! You can now use your iPhone as an external HD...making full use of the 16GB flash memory that you have with you...
Before this, I was using iPhonebrowser to store files into the phone or even saving some important backups (SMS, Notes, Contacts etc) from the phone into my laptop. The good thing is that iPhonebrowser is FREE, but the problem is that you need to install it into your system and you need to have .Net Framework 2.0 in order for it to work. So you can't use it everywhere you go as not all computers are installed with iPhonebrowser and most probably you don't have the admin right to install it onto public computers such as those in the library or the cybercafe.
So recently, I came upon this software called iFunBox which does the same thing and a bit more. Again, iFunBox is a free software for you to use and the best thing is that you can just run it on its own without having the need to go through the whole of the Install-first-then-run process. Not sure if it needs .Net Framework 2.0 to run since my system already has that when I started using it.
iFunBox offers the following features, which totally pawned iPhonebrowser handsdown at the moment IMHO:
a) Total Control of iPhone File System - manage your iPhone FileSystem files, add in Summerboard/Winterboard themes, copy backups from phone to your computer, edit your carrier logo and lots more....things that iPhonebrowser can do.
b) Hi-Speed General Purpose Storage - the program will create a new folder called "general_storage" under your /Media folder and you can use that folder for your general storage purposes....nice :-) You can actually do the same thing with iPhonebrowser but I prefer the more user-friendly and slick interface of iFunBox, no pun intended :-)
c) Backup Movie and Music from iPhone - now this is one thing that makes iFunBox to have an upperhand over iPhoneBrowser. With iFunBox, you can view all your songs and movies in the iPod function of your phone, video clips in iPhoneVideoRecorder (if you have it installed) and stuff from some other commonly-used apps so that you can make the necessary backups or even adding new files to them....nice touch there...kudos to them :-)
d) Flexible Batch Wallpaper Uploader - basically what it does is that iFunBox is able to convert mutiple pictures that you want to upload as built-in wallpapers on the phone. Not that much of use to me personally, but some people might just find it handy :-)
In order to have iFunBox wherever you go, what I do is that I save a copy of the program in my email...and whenever I need to use the software using a public computer, I just download it off my email and I can use it straight away...easy and efficient...but that is just my humble 2 might have a much better approach to that and do leave a comment if you do :-)
Pics will be posted once I get some decent screenshots :-) Stay tuned...:-)
Oh and Happy Birthday Dad!! :-) Thanks for everything and love ya :-)